About Social1776
Social1776.com and Social1776TV.com are peace making forums that are nonpartisan we are a place where all people can debate their opinions and views left and right or anarchist. While Christian in nature all beliefs are welcome to this platform to debate beliefs and ideas. We believe in liberation through education, because iron sharpens iron, and together we can be the greatest community on earth as is in heaven! Our Social Networking Platform. With our new feature, user can make posts, photos, post video, raise money, fund raising and much more.
About Us
1- About our website Social1776.com
Basically we’re a independent non-partisan social media website that formed out of Necessity to survive the cancel culture of big tech censorship. You can thank Facebook for the invention of social 1776. Daniel Leach is the founder of the anti-DeepState Party Anti Illuminati Party an Anti New World Order Party Jesus Christ Party as well as #studio1776 A website that has been completely banned from all main stream social media. Daniel is a patriot constitutional conservative Activists blogger. Call 1(701)339-3131 if you have any questions it’s my personal number.
Hey guys Join our video platform have a alternative place to store and share your voice and videos without big tech censorship go to. Social1776TV.com
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